Saturday, June 7, 2008


I have played 4 Sessions today all Mult Playing 4 STT's at once for a total of 16 games. I feel at this level of play it is going to take me a good while before moving up to the next level. At one point today my bankroll was down to $498.45 before I brought it back up to $580.45. I feel like I was making all the right calls and reading my opponents very well but it seems at this level of Buy In's ( 10 + 1 ) you have many donks fishing to the end and catching it. I will however stick to my plan and will not move up any levels until I increase my starting bankroll by 40%. More to come as I continue my Fast Track Poker Plan.

1 comment:

Joppa Road said...

Hi Jason,

Good to see a blog I can relate to a bit more than the usual high roller boom / bust sort of thin. I myself am thinking of doing a similiar thing to yourself just to see if I can stay disciplined. In the past I have moved up the levels far too quicky and come unstuck even quicker. Good luck.