Thursday, June 5, 2008


I have managed to start my bankroll with $600.00. In the past I would have normally just logged into Full Tilt Poker and started playing like crazy. This time I have a good game plan in place and I will start out playing 3 Sessions a Day with each Session Consisting of Multi Playing 4 different STT's at once. This way each day I will have completed a total of 12 games. With my bankroll only starting at $600.00 I will stay at the $10 + 1 Buy In Level. Including the Buy in Fee's this will put me just over 50 times my Buy In Level which should keep me from playing scared should I have a few bad days. I also have a plan in place to drop down a level if I lose 30% of my starting bankroll and a plan to move up a level should I increase my bankroll by 60%. As I said before I have been playing Poker as long as I can remember, I love the rush of gambling and the thrill of making quick money. I have been as so brave to play $500 a hand in Black Jack for 2 solid hours, Day Trade in the Stock Market, invest in all kinds of crazy get rich plans and so on and on and on. So this will be a challenge for me in itself to stick to a Money Management Plan. Luckily for me I will have the Support and Encouragement of my Lovely Wife and hopefully my new online Friends such as you to keep me on the right path. OK enough talk let me get to playing some Fast Track Poker!

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