Wednesday, June 4, 2008


First of all let me introduce myself and tell you a little bit about me. My name is Jason, I just turned 35 years old ( Happy Birthday to Me ) I have been happily married now for almost 15 years and we just had our fourth child. I have a great job and as far as I know pretty good health. Anyways back to Poker. I have been playing poker since I was about 6 years old. You know setting around with my Uncles as they played 5 Card Draw. Poker has been in and out of my life as far back as I can remember. Nothing real serious until now. I have been playing online poker for about 8 months now and have absolutely nothing in the bank to show for it. I have had some ups and downs, some wins and losses and actually managed to cash out a few small checks, nothing really worth talking about and as it stands right now I have a whopping $0.45 cents in my Poker Account. I have finally decided to get it together and take my Poker Playing to the next level. I have been reading up on Bankroll Management and now I figure it is about time to put a plan in place. My first goal is to figure out how much money I can invest in this venture and that will determine what level of Buy In's I start at. At the beginning I'm going to play NL Holdem Sit & Go Single Table Tournaments. I like playing at Full Tilt Poker and so my plans are to fund my bankroll only at that site. OK enough for now, let me get started crunching my personal finances so I can somehow fund this venture and oh by the way Welcome to my Fast Track Poker World!

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